Friday, February 15, 2013

Warriors of Chaos: Dragon Ogre Shaggoth Overview

Hey all, I've been looking through the Warriors of Chaos army book recently and found possibly my favorite rare choice: the Dragon Ogre Shaggoth. Shaggoth's are the most balanced rare choice of all of the Warriors of Chaos rare choices (for close combat). Right now I'm only talking about big things though, not units like Skullcrushers. I was a bit stuck between Shaggoths and Slaughterbrutes being my favorite but I decided I like Shaggoths more because Slaughterbrutes are slower with one less wound, Shaggoths are just more balanced. I am still a bit tied between them though because slaughterbrutes are good too. The stat line of a Shaggoth is very balanced and probably my favorite part about it (it's special rules aren't as good as it's stats. It is great for combat because it has weapnon skill 6, strength 6, toughness 5, 6 wonnds, initiative 4, and 5 attacks. Sure storm rage can be fun but it's not often going to affect anything, not many units have lighting attacks, though it is great if you're fighting skaven I guess because I think they have a lot of lightning stuff. So shaggoths are good but don't rely on them, they're squishy with their 5+ scaly skin save though do have 6 wounds. As for everything don't put them out in the open with a butload of cannons aiming at them. Be smart with Shaggoths, don't just all out charge.


  1. Is what you mean by balanced that it isn't an anvil(like Warshrine) or hammer(like Slaighterbrute), and hat it's statline is rounded out?
