Sunday, April 28, 2013

New High Elves

Oooh! Shiny!

That said, I am not starting a new army. I need to at least finish 1 for Fantasy before I start another. What my second army will be remains to be seen, but you won't know yet. I do suspect that despite his current focus on the forces of chaos, Mr. H will be excited for this release. As of yet I am attempting to get him to purchase a Sky-boat(read: Lothern Skycutter), and a bird(read: Phoenix), because I would quite like to see both those things on the tabletop, even if they are pummeling me instead of my opponent. Anyway, there might be more High Elves stuff on here at some point, cause they are back in a big way.

Friday, April 12, 2013

GGH update

Hey all, as Duncan said we are sorry for the lack of posts. I've been wanting to make posts but again like Duncan said we've had school conflicting with our blogging time. I have been wondering what to write about, I do enjoy writing about Warriors of Chaos but I do not know what else to really write about. I could do some more reviews but I have reviewed everything that I thought could use a review (or sometimes I just feel like reviewing a particular unit). So if any of you readers have any ideas go ahead and post a comment on this post. At the Great Gaming Hall we welcome your comments (as long as they're polite) so we can improve this blog and meet your requests. Also if you haven't already I urge any Warriors of Chaos players to visit the Chamber of the Everchosen. It is a Warriors of Chaos forum and is great if you need any advice with your pillaging and slaughter in the name of the dark gods.

Lack of posts...

I can't speak for the other members, but I am sorry about my lack of posting here recently. Homework has been cutting into my free time, especially for writing. I can promise an update for 'Whispers' soon and a new story is in the works, this time for Fantasy.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Vampire Counts Tactica Part 1: Introduction

Well, I guess I just like making tacticas for my friends. I'm not likely to play the vamps soon, mostly cause Tomb Kings are a whole lot like them. That said, they are a nice army, and Rise of Nagash makes me want to play them. We'll see though. This post mainly is to say: I've found a formula for the order of tacticas.
1. Introduction
2. Lords and Heroes
3. Magic items and Magic Lore
4. Core
5. Special
6. Rare