Saturday, December 22, 2012


Welcome to The Great Gaming Hall. This is an introduction post to what this blog is about. Please excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes now and in the future, I can be lazy.

So to the point, this is a blog about just anything awesome. Notably miniature wargaming such as Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer. Also video games and again whatever is awesome. Note that I am in ninth grade at this time and I have lots of homework when school is in. Though when school is out I have good time to do whatever. I also have a Youtube channel (MisterH7398) and an email ( if you wish to contact me.

For miniature wargaming, at this point I play Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer. I mostly play High Elves and Eldar right now. I haven't played any games with my High Elves yet sadly. I also have a good size Space Wolves army, an okay sized Chaos Space Marine army. Then I just have a bit of Tyranids and Orks but only a bit. Yes I have (very sadly) army jumped a lot in the past but haven't in a while. I don't think there's any other army I'm really interested in playing.

So I look forward to blogging and getting feedback. Please do give feedback but try not to all out criticize me.