Thursday, February 28, 2013

Warriors of Chaos: Chimerae Overview

Now this is how us chaos vikings troll. Chimerae are fun because they have, fly, scaly skin 4+, and 6 strength 6 attacks. Now how trolly can that be? Actually I think Chimerae aren't super good but it can be fun trolling them. The only reason I think they can be trolly is because they could fly about to the enemy's deployment zone in one move. Charging will not due that unless you roll EXTREMELY well. So they won't be able to really do crap up there unless you give him flaming breath. The only good I think it could really do in that position is distract the enemy. They have 4 wounds so will probably be killed once they get up there, that's why they won't do much. That's only if you move them right up to the enemy first turn, so move them up through cover instead so they won't get slaughtered by ranged weapons. Most of the upgrades are good except for the poisoned attacks one, they have strength 6 so don't really need an auto wound on 6's. Flaming breath and regeneration is good though, just a bit expensive so if you have points for them, take them. Take regeneration first though so they are harder to kill so can do overall more damage. So if you use them carefully and right, just like anything else, they will do good. Have fun with your Chimerae's!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Still busy...

Sorry we've not posted for a week. I for one have been super busy with homework and skiing and I haven't had time to do much recreational things.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ogre Tactica: Units

Brace yourself, this is a long one.

Greasus Goldtooth: Awesomely powerful, but his points cost is such that he is almost as expensive as Archaon, which is saying something. He has a plethora of special rules that will buff your units while crippling the enemy’s, and has a tremendous strength of 10. Watch out, though, because he will slow down any unit he’s with.

Skrag the Slaughterer: Only really worth it if you max out on Gorgers. He is a fair bit more expensive than a Lvl 4 Slaughtermaster with a full complement of magic items. Since he has frenzy, he is not really controllable, and he is designed to get into combat. If he gets the right spells, he can rip through anything the opponent throws at him. The main detriment is magic kills don’t add to the tally. If he gets Bullgorger, Toothcracker, and Trollguts, he will be unstoppable.

Tyrant: Your generic Lord choice. Tyrants are combat monsters, plain and simple. They don’t really offer anything useful to their unit, and are basically just beatsticks. Overpriced compared to similar characters such as Chaos Lords and Tomb Kings.

Slaughtermaster: Your Lord level wizard. They are meant to be with a unit, using the lore of the Great Maw so that they can buff the unit. Don’t get too cocky though. They are still wizards, and are more less choppy than the Tyrant, which is cheaper.

Golgfag Maneater: A bit too random to be truly effect. On average, he will get about 70 pts of Magic Items, which doesn’t match up to his points cost. On the other hand, you can tailor his weapon set to the army that you are fighting. Golgfag’s Maneaters is not that useful unless you know you are using allies. It is optional though, so it doesn’t matter that much.

Bragg the Gutsman: Double points cost for +1 strength and HKB in challenges? No way.

Bruiser: This is your good generic beatstick. Can also be your BSB.

Hunter: Best mounted on a stonehorn, with a Harpoon Launcher, but can lead packs of Sabretusks on the ground.

Butcher: Not as good as a slaughtermaster, but a cheap wizard, and usually the one you want using alternate lores.

Firebelly: An awesome choice, flaming attacks, 4+ward against flame, fear, and a S4 breath weapon for only 20 points more than a Butcher.

Ogre Bulls: Your good core choice. They will generally be outnumbered three or four to one, so be aware of that, but awesome on the charge.

Ironguts: Can occasionally be worth it in small squads of 6 or so, but generally too expensive for what they gain. Definitely not unusable, though.

Gnoblars: Well, they’re cheap, but thats about all they have going for them. They could be a tarpit I guess.

Leadbelchers: Always take Leadbelchers. They have an awesome shooting attack for the same points as an Irongut, and can fight in close combat if need be with surprising effectiveness.

Maneaters: Expensive, but quite versatile.

Sabretusks: Eh. Not really that useful unless you have a Hunter.

Yhetees: Overpriced some. Flammable sucks. Aura of frost is kinda nice though.

Mournfang Cavalry: Yes. Oh great Maw, yes. Pretty much the best monstrous cavalry in the game, with a ton of options.

Gorger: If they were 60 pts, maybe, but at this points cost, no freaking way.

Gnoblar Scraplauncher: Nice movable stone thrower. Not as good as an ironblaster though.

Ironblaster: A moving cannon. Thats all you need to know.

Giant: It’s a giant. Good against small units and characters.

Stonehorn: Powerful monster. Bit of a cannon magnet.

Thundertusk: This is the good one. Slows your opponents, and a good shooting attack.

This is the end of the tactica. Hope you enjoyed, and hope it helps.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Warriors of Chaos: Slaughterbrute Overview

Hey all, I'm doing another unit overview for Warriors of Chaos (duh). Aren't Slaughterbrutes great, awesome models and awesome stats. So as I said in the Shaggoth Overview, I am a bit tied between the Shaggoth and the Slaughterbrute. Yes the Shaggothe may be more balanced but the Slaughterbrute has it's up's too. I absolutely love the Runes of Binding special rule. As Termindado (Duncan Wright) figured out, it would be hilarious if you took Archaon and a bunch of Slaughterbrutes who will then have weaponskill 9 and leadership 10!! You could take a Daemon Prince instead for the weaponskill 9 but would have leadership 9 instead of Archaon's leadership 10. I think the weaponskill is the big part though, who doesn't love high weaponskill. Slaughterbrutes may only have 5 wounds compared to a Shaggoth's 6 wounds, but a Slaughterbrute does have 4+ Scaly Skin save compared to a Shaggoth's crappy light armor. So I think that the Slaughterbrute may be a bit more survivable because of it's 4+ Skaly Skin save but is initiative 3 and attacks 4 compared to a Shaggoth's initiative 4 and attacks 5. Slaughter brutes do have 1 more strength though, and can have the Extra Claws upgrade to give them two strength 5 attacks. However there is one major problem with the slaughterbrute, it is cannon bait. That's not all though, there are so many units better than slaughterbrutes. So it's not the best unit though has a cool model and a cool backstory. I would much rather take a Chimerae or a Shaggoth.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Medal of Honor Warfighter Review

Hey all, I recently got the new Medal of Honor. Don't worry there's no spoilers in this post unless you count talking about stuff you can do in the campaign spoilers (if you want spoilers comment and I can make another post with them). I really liked the last one and I like this one too. I think the multiplayer is better because everything is more customizable. The campaign is still good but I'm not sure if it's as good as the first one. One thing about the last Medal of Honor was that it was so realistic, there were some parts in the new one where it wasn't like that. Like the car chases seemed to get a little cheesy for me. There were just too many car chases and it just didn't seem very realistic, or I guess military like. That's what I liked about the last one, everything was really realistic and just like the military, car chases just doesn't seem very military like. The car chases still were fun though as well as the rest of the campaign, though the first Medal of Honor's campaign might of been just a tad better. The online is great though, there are skins or something for a bunch of countries that you unlock as you level up. You can customize your gun a lot more than you could in the first one. So I think it's a great game, campaign's good, multiplayer is good, I personally reccomend it.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Warriors of Chaos: Dragon Ogre Shaggoth Overview

Hey all, I've been looking through the Warriors of Chaos army book recently and found possibly my favorite rare choice: the Dragon Ogre Shaggoth. Shaggoth's are the most balanced rare choice of all of the Warriors of Chaos rare choices (for close combat). Right now I'm only talking about big things though, not units like Skullcrushers. I was a bit stuck between Shaggoths and Slaughterbrutes being my favorite but I decided I like Shaggoths more because Slaughterbrutes are slower with one less wound, Shaggoths are just more balanced. I am still a bit tied between them though because slaughterbrutes are good too. The stat line of a Shaggoth is very balanced and probably my favorite part about it (it's special rules aren't as good as it's stats. It is great for combat because it has weapnon skill 6, strength 6, toughness 5, 6 wonnds, initiative 4, and 5 attacks. Sure storm rage can be fun but it's not often going to affect anything, not many units have lighting attacks, though it is great if you're fighting skaven I guess because I think they have a lot of lightning stuff. So shaggoths are good but don't rely on them, they're squishy with their 5+ scaly skin save though do have 6 wounds. As for everything don't put them out in the open with a butload of cannons aiming at them. Be smart with Shaggoths, don't just all out charge.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Well guys, I got my first Cryx mini. Getting a battlebox within the next few days. Now I just need to figure out how to assemble him.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ogre Tactica Part 3: Magic Items

Magic Items

Thundermace: A bit expensive for what it does, but could be useful in the right scenario. The main problem with it is that the cheapest possible magic armour is 25 points, not counting shields. Combined with the Mawseeker name and the enchanted shield you could have enough defense for it to be worth it.

Siegebreaker: No. When are you going to be fighting a building? Simply not worth it for the points cost.

Gnoblar Thiefstone: Quite good. If you roll anything besides 1 you will be getting a useful item, and even if you roll 1, you still have the magic resistance.

Greedy Fist: Could be worth it, if you know you are going into combat with a lot of characters.

Gut Maw: Not really worth it unless you combine it with a character-killing magic weapon, such as the Greedy Fist.

Grut's Sickle: Can be good, but use sparingly, lest your own unit turns upon you.

Hellheart: Ridiculous. You can screw up enemy wizards so bad, and if they manage to cast more spells, you get extra dispel dice.

Rock Eye: Kind of situational, but good for filling up the last extra points that you can't use.

Rune Maw: Another very good item. It will make a deathstar almost impervious to magic. Stick in a unit of Maneaters and wreck face.

Dragonhide Banner: This is one of the best magic banners in the game(Imho). In conjunction with the breath weapon, a successful charge turn will be utterly devastating in the right unit.

Ogre Kingdoms Tactica Part 2: Big Names

Big Names

  • Mawseeker: This makes already tough ogres tougher, and the stupidity tests will be easy to pass on Tyrant Ld.
  • Wallcrusher: Cheap but very effective. You are basically buying a whole extra attack with ASF.
  • Kineater: Skip. Ogres have good Ld in general, so you’re just wasting points and name.
  • Mountaineater: Again, skip, you are unlikely to be hit exclusively with anything that it will matter for.
  • Giantbreaker: A fine choice, but keep him away from any strong characters
  • Deathcheater: Would be nice if you could use it all the time, but usually you won’t need it.
  • Longstrider: No. You will never be by yourself if you have the choice.
  • Beastkiller: Good, but situational.
  • Brawlerguts: Good, especially on a mounted character.

Ogre Kingdoms Tactica Part 1: Magic

So yeah, this is a Ogre Tactica, I'm making it for Dawson as he is in need of help with tactics for his Ogres, and I just thought I'd post it here.

Lore of the Great Maw
Spinemarrow: This is not that great. It is quite temporary and not awesome while it lasts.
1. Bonecrusher: This spell does not really appeal to the general style of Ogres, but it could be nice if you are in a ranged unit or are up against knights.
2. Bullgorger: This is quite nice. Combined with a unit with great weapons you can be consistently wounding on a 2+ and ignoring most armour.
3. Toothcracker: This supplements the Ogre’s already prodigious toughness, which can’t hurt ever.
4. Braingobbler: Quite possibly the worst spell in the lineup. One panic test won’t do anything against the vast majority of armies you will face.
5. Trollguts: This is _awesome_. Combined with Toothcracker and some decent armour, this can make a unit almost impenetrable.
6. The Maw: The maw is alright, but as with Bonecrusher, best if you are in a ranged unit.

Monday, February 11, 2013

WoC Test Model

Here is my Warriors of Chaos test model. Tell me what you think.

New Contributor

We have a new contributor to the Hall. You should probably see a post from him soon.

I'm a bit busy.

I've been a bit busy lately, not getting much done in terms of writing or gaming. I painted a warrior test model, which I might take a picture of later. I'm getting a bit of Cryx, so expect some magnetization shenanigans pretty close. I have a bit of time to write now, so expect a update to Whispers in the next few days.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Eternal Slaughter Begins

Hey all, these are my first Warriors of Chaos! I have given them full command and shields as you can see. Thanks goes out to Terminado for taking the pictures. I got the new army book and I can't wait to get further into my army of Chaos Vikings. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!!!