Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A tutorial(and pics for once)

So, for the first time in this blogs(admittedly short) lifespan, I have a tutorial for you all. This is my own unique way of painting grimy metal(don't try this on space marines or the like, it looks fantastic on orks though). It has very few steps, and you don't need to be that good to do it. When I use old paints, refer to the Citadel Paint Conversion Chart. The miniature used is an Ork Deffkopta from the OOP starter set Assault on Black Reach.

Step 1: Basecoat the mini black. Doesn't matter how, doesn't matter what shade, just black. I chose a color of spray primer that looks a lot like oil and dirt in an auto repair workshop, but even if you don't have access to that, you can fix it in a later stage. I don't have pictures of this for obvious reasons. If you want to know the exact primer, comment and I'll get back to you.

Step 2: Drybrush with Leadbelcher from the new Citadel paint range. You can be messy about it, mainly you want to get the edges and spread streaks along the flat parts. There should be a lot of black showing through, so don't worry about it.

Step 3: Edge highlight the miniature with Chainmail(from the old range). Just get all the edges of everything you are painting with metal, but in this case, I did the whole model, as the rest of the colors were not really defined. You can also drag streaks of the brush across bits of the model if you wish.

Step 4: Put a Badab Black wash in the recesses of the model. Splash on a lot of it, but don't go too crazy. It should make the recesses of the model look oily and grimy, as if nobody has cleaned it in a while. You can't really see it in this picture(my camera's not that great), but it works pretty well. If you want to, you can substitute a brownish wash to simulate rust.

I used this tutorial on the Deffkopta at the top of the page, and I have some more pictures of it here. Enjoy!


  1. Wow this is great. You guys are awesome.

    1. Thanks! I didn't notice anybody had commented. You should create an account so we know you when you come back.
