Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Warriors of Chaos Awesomeness

Do you like Vikings? Do you like chaos? Do you like going on conquest because you can? If you answered yes to these questions then Warriors of Chaos are for you. That's right, a whole post about their awesomeness. Why not play Warriors of Chaos? They're flipping chaos Vikings!!! Then you can blow stuff up in the name of Khorne. So you can tell they're cool already, but how are they on the board? I would say they're good on The board, not overpowered good but balanced good. This could change when the new army book comes out in A couple of days so I will make a post reviewing it when I get it. I couldn't wait until it came out though, I NEED to post about Warriors of Chaos!! So I personally really the idea of giving warriors two hand weapons with mark of khorne do they would have 4 attacks per model. The mark of Khorne may have been changed but I bet it will still have some kind of attack bonus. The army is great in close combat except for hell cannons and stuff like that, though they're chaos Vikings, they should be melee beasts. So Warriors of Chaos are a great army, they're amazing Vikings of chaos. I also highly appreciate how 1d4chan emphasizes the Viking part because it is a big part, and an amazing part. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!!!

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